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Meet Awesome Technologies - Doctor‘s Visit of the Future with Telemedicine

Dienstag, 2. Juli 2019 - 18:30 bis 20:30

Telemedicine wants to change the way we visit a doctor. And without a doubt in many cases that would make a lot of sense. But what are these use cases nowadays and how is it going to change with modern technology on the rise? What are the challenges both doctors and patients are facing when there is no physical encounter taking place? What are the limitations? How is the regulation changing in Germany and beyond?

With the startup “Awesome Technologies” from Würzburg we have a telemedicine solution provider as discussion partner to tackle these questions. But before we discuss all of this they are going to present us their approach called “AMP”. AMP is supposed to offer a variety of features to make telemedicine work such as virtual presence via video conference, transfer of medical information and prioritizing of tasks between involved healthcare professionals. As a development partner for their solution they were able to work with an elderly care facility runned by the Cariatas. In the future they are aiming to be the key enabler for telemedical communication between mobile care givers, general practitioner, medical specialists and hospitals.

After the presentation we will discuss several other similar use cases and concepts in a few interdisciplinary groups.

18:30 – 18:45 Opening and Introduction
18:45 – 19:45 Pitch, Demo and QA
19:45 – 20:45 General Discussion and Use Cases
after 20:45 – Drinks & Chat

* The talk and discussion might be in English or German depending on audience and speakers

Everyone is free to join this event. The audience is the Health Hacker community (physicians, care givers, engineers, programmers and hackers) and both the medical and medical technology students of the lecture “New technologies and methods for the future of healthcare”. So we can analyze this concept from the medical as well as the technical aspect.

Looking forward to meet you all!


Health Hackers


In cooperation with the Health Hackers e.V. Erlangen

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