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Vortrag: Designing Persuasive Health Technologies: Where Mobile, Cloud and Remote Sensing Converge

Donnerstag, 14. Juni 2018 - 10:00 bis 11:00

Designing Persuasive Health Technologies: Where Mobile, Cloud and Remote Sensing Converge
Samir Chatterjee, PhD (Founding Director, IDEA Labs, Professor & Fletcher Jones Chair, Center for Information Systems & Technology, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA, USA)

Date Thursday, 14 Jun14, 10h-11h
Place Nuremberg, Lange Gasse 20, Room 0.424

The world’s population is aging. While people are living longer, they are also suffering from many chronic diseases. Obesity has been noted as a risk factor that leads to diabetes and congestive heart failure which is the leading cause of death throughout the world in older adult population. Prof. Chatterjee’s lab is at the forefront of designing remote monitoring technologies that can assist such patients to live healthy and age in place with technology support. His team has developed several persuasive technologies to modify human behavior that are impacting peoples’ lives. He is currently exploring new approaches and solutions to prevention and wellbeing. In this talk he will describe the design challenges, innovative solutions and share preliminary results from a Heart-Failure trial being conducted at Loma Linda Hospital. He will also share the challenges of trying to commercialize this innovation through his startup.

Short Biography:
Dr. Samir Chatterjee is a Professor and Fletcher Jones Chair of Technology Management and Design at Claremont Graduate University. He is also adjunct Professor of Design & Innovation at University of Southern California. In 2017 he was selected as Schoeller Senior Fellow 2017 by Dr. Theo and Friedl Schoeller Research Center for Business and Society in Nuremberg Germany. He has published over 130 peer reviewed articles in IS and Computer Science area. He serves on the editorial board of JAIS, Health Systems, Frontiers of IT, IJBDCN and has served as AE for MISQ. He is the co-author of the best-selling book on Design Research in Information Systems and is the founding father of the DESRIST International conference. He regularly serves as chair or member of the technical program committee on numerous IEEE, ACM and AIS conferences. He has received over $3.5 million of funding from NIH (NINR), NSF, MDTRC, Georgia Research Council, Loma Linda Hospital, Northrop Grumman, and The California Endowment. He is Founder & CEO of DCL Health, a wireless healthcare startup. When he is not doing science and design, he is an avid musician and tours with his indo-fusion band throughout the USA performing at various concerts.

For further information, please contact Dr. Dr. Albrecht Fritzsche (

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