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Call for participation for students, institutions and industries: Innovation Research Lab Exhibition (IRLE) 2017, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

on 10. Mai 2017 - 10:09

Call for participation for students, institutions and industries: Innovation Research Lab Exhibition (IRLE) 2017, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany

Students from all disciplines, institutes and industries are invited to participate in the annual exhibition of Innovation Research Lab and present their ideas on how to improve human life. All of the finalists will be invited to present their projects, portfolios and various participation possibilities in interactive stands and receive a certificate. The students will additionally have chance to win financial awards and fellowships.

After much success last year, the Innovation Research Lab Exhibition (IRLE 2017) would be organized on 7th September 2017 in Erlangen, Germany by Innovation Research Lab at Central Institute of Healthcare Engineering, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg.

Students, institutions and industries are welcomed to present their projects, portfolios and various participation possibilities in interactive stands. The best stands would be rated by all the guests in the categories:

  • “Best student project award”
  • “Most innovative institute award” and
  • “Most innovative industry / department award”

For the category of “Best student project award” a total prize of €3000 would be given to the winners. The best teams will be additionally offered Siemens Healthcare Young Student Innovator Fellowships. The fellowship offers a possibility to work at various Innovation Think Tank Labs at Siemens Healthcare where along with a monthly stipend, financial incentives are awarded based on the degree of implementation of the projects.

Submission categories for Best student project award :

OR of the future, innovations in 3D printing, machine learning, innovations in consumer electronics, how to improve quality of human life, Next generation IT (APPs for medical devices), green hospitals , scientific improvement e.g. cardio and neuro imaging, medical devices of the future,  ideas demonstrating cost reduction in medical devices and healthcare systems, disruptive innovation processes and methodologies, system simulators, radiology of the future, automation in automobiles sector, industry 4.0 etc.

* The students could also present their bachelor or master or Ph.d. thesis projects.


  • Bachelor or Master or Ph.d. student from any discipline at any university
  • Creative thinking and out-of-the-box perspective
  • Maximum team size: 4 members

Submission categories for institutions and industries :

  • Present your institute / industry/ departments portfolio, offerings and participation possibilities for insitutions or students.
  • Present innovative products or processes 

The submitted projects would be made public during the evaluation process and during the exhibition to various university and industry experts and students.

A joint team of FAU and Siemens experts will select 40 finalists for exhibition.

For more information, including submission guidelines, please go to:  and for any clarification write to


  • 1st August 2017  Full project submission deadline
  • 2nd-9th August 2017 Project evaluation and finalist teams selection
  • 10th August 2017  Finalists are informed
  • 7th September 2017 IRL Exhibition

Project submission in category „Best student project award“ should include:

  • Challenge / Goal of the project
  • Current state of art, how the challenge is addressed today
  • Proposed solution
  • Design (if created), description of any prototype or model or simulation (if created)
  • Benefits of the current solutions
  • No page limit and no restriction of formatting, just make PDF submission

Project submission in category instiutions and industries  should include:

  • Name of the institute/ company / department
  • Maximum 2 A0 size posters presenting the institute portfolio, offerings and participation possibilities
  • Name of the presenters

So apply for our annual exhibition and get a chance to present your projects to participations from various industry and universities, learn from other best practices and win awards.

We strongly recommend the applicants especially the international students who need to make travel arrangements to apply early. The applications will be processed on first come first bases so do not wait for the deadline.

For more information, including submission guidelines, please go to: If you have any questions feel free to contact the IRL core team via 

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